It’s super important to me to know that you are all cared for and looking after yourselves during this time and it just feels right to share what I’ve learnt along the way and as things start to unfold for me with Spirit Junkie Goddess minus my corporate shield.
The first part in the series is the ebook to look back before you leap forward 1.0 available on the SJG site, pre orders now being taken for the launch of 2.0 the planner
Want to know how to unlock your truest and highest potential, manifesting and visioning your soul purpose following easy to follow steps to support your journey with Spirit Junkie Goddess is the first step to understanding your baseline.
Get to know the real you and unlock your true magic and shine your light into the world 💕
Part 1 Looking back to leap forward
Part 2 in the Manifest the Magic in you series is the planner, the spirit manifesto to stay vibing high, how to create morning magic through to monthly manifestations
Part 3 is being birthed already with supporting soul cards coming later in the year